our mission:


Our nation is in a critical time: we need powerful leaders to motivate our communities.

Women of color leaders are the pulse of social change movements, and the drivers of innovation.


About In Her Power

In Her Power is where these bold + brilliant women come to restore and recharge, break bread and break ground... so they can lead the rising tide.


Phenomenal Women Retreats

Where Boldness + Resilience Transforms Leadership

Women of color are still the hidden figures in our society that continue to light our way across new terrain. In Her Power helps these phenomenal women stay resilient against burn outso they can continue their bold work.

It’s time to heal the healers of our communities.
— Nzingha Dugas, Director of African Female Excellence

The Facts

65% of individuals reported feeling more stressed following the election.

Recent studies have shown that this feeling over time has morphed into a “fatalistic, depressive” attitude resulting in hopelessness.

Levels of workplace hostility have also increased from 13% to 31%

... and the FBI has just reported a dramatic increase in hate crimes based on race and ethnicity in the past year.

Black women under 50 are 20x more likely to die from a heart attack than their white counterparts.

Currently 1 out of every 4 American women will die from heart disease. Studies show that racial discrimination, racial-bias, and race-based crimes are chronic stressors that negatively impact the cardiovascular and mental health of women of color.

Women of color are disproportionately in Poverty

Poverty rates vary considerably among adult women from the largest racial and ethnic groups. Native American women have the highest poverty rate at 28.1 percent, followed by Black (25.7 percent) and Hispanic (24.0 percent) women. The poverty rate for white women (11.7 percent) is the lowest among the groups and is less than half the rate for Native American, Black, and Hispanic women.

Doing double duty

Over 80% of Black mothers are breadwinners, yet have the caregiving responsibility for an elderly parent, a person with a disability or a young child, which they must balance with work obligations.


Addressing Injustice Head On

Women of color leaders work against the dangers of stress, trauma, and even assassinations, from those who disagree with or fear them. They are women who fight to protect the lives of their community and loved ones, to protect the land rightfully theirs, and boldly call out injustice.

Undeterred by the task at hand, these leaders—our leaders—refuse to stand down and are continuously innovating to dismantle barriers, create opportunities, and design solutions to multiple challenges faced by their communities.

They face ongoing attacks from a broken system structured to undermine their basic human and civil rights. Despite this, women of color leaders work to reduce the divide between what exists today, and what should be in place...

...they are our hope for the future.



Social change is not for the faint of heart.

When working on the frontlines, restoring and implementing systemic change that transforms economic, race and gender inequities, a leader can’t give from herself indefinitely without refilling her well.

We are the Well that leaders draw from. A safe and inviting space where leaders can land, rest, and find sanctuary when her soul feels tired, her body depleted, and restoration is in order.

We have designed a highly interactive, restorative, and strengthening experience, fulfilling the intricate needs of our leaders, infusing connectivity, creativity, and spirituality through experiential learning.




We are not your traditional leadership conference or retreat. We are keenly aware that scapegoating and a resurgence of overt racism has re-triggered old trauma and created new trauma for many women of color leaders.

In Her Power experiences create a unique learning opportunity for leaders to address and heal from the shock, grief, and anger, as well as limiting beliefs that may be impacting their self-esteem and sense of power.



Our retreats integrate self-care, outdoor exploration, creative activism, cross-sector collaborations, and design thinking. Participants will be positioned to lead through the emotional, psychological, health, economic, and social effects of multigenerational trauma.

They will collectively explore bold approaches of thinking, designing, prototyping, and implementing when addressing the complexities of racism and inequity.



In Her Power Events are held in beautiful settings among redwood trees, in lush valleys, and surrounded by the ocean and mountains.

Leaders who spend most of their time in the trenches and on the frontline, will finally be able to look up, reconnect with the power of Self, and exhale...

The outdoors is a rich setting to provoke the mind, recharge the body and nurture the soul.


Leading the Change

Who We Are


AchÉ Lytle

Founder of In Her Power &
CEO of I Am Boldacious


Dr. Linda Myers

Director of African American and African Studies at OSU & Founder / Executive Director at The Center for Optimal Thought


Kellie Todd-Griffin

President of Sistallect, Inc. /
Creator of  State of Black Women in California


Abby Snay

Deputy Secretary for the Future of Work at California Labor & Workforce Development Agency


Dr. Siri Brown

Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Peralta Community College District


Linda Provenza

Founder & President of Strategies for Change


Gina Frommer

CEO at Children’s Council of San Francisco


Donna Kirven

Associate Director of People Success at Easterseals Bay Area


Min Fiztgerald

Co-founder & CEO of Nutrigene


Kelly Woolfolk, Esq.

Woolfolk Law Firm


Jennifer Covington

Business Strategist  & Coach


Nicole Bonsol

Graphic Designer & Writer