Brazil Retreat for Women of Color

This is just the beginning…



What are you claiming this year?

You are a leader of your community, organization, family and/or sister circle. You live in many roles simultaneously, from visionary to innovator to caregiver to financial planner to peace keeper… and more. You’re on the frontlines, behind the scenes, in the trenches and in the boardroom.

With so many things on your plate it may feel counterintuitive to slow down… but you know that in order for you to continue to lead and serve you must pause and take time to recharge and replenish. This is a must.

Your spiritual, physical and mental wellness is non-negotiable.


Together, We rise

So often we show up in places and find we are the “only”. The only woman, the only person of color, the only woman of color…

The In Her Power New Year retreat is specifically for bold & soulful Women of Color Leaders who are working towards systemic change that transforms economic, race, and gender inequity.

We know what’s possible when extraordinary women all gather in one place, in service of our individual and collective healing.

In Her Power leaders are bold. Purpose-driven. Generous. Wise.

This is about creating a web of real support, so you know that wherever you go and lead you have a powerhouse team of sisters at your back.



Salvador da Bahia, Brazil

Welcome to the Soul of Brazil.

Salvador da Bahia, the first capital of Brazil, dances to its own rhythm. Known as the soul and heart of Brazil, this city will draw you in with the beat of its drums, and the aromas and flavors of its undeniable African heritage.

This rich land inspires you to draw upon your very own richness… and use that potential to renew, recharge, and reflect. This is the energy that will help us all call in the New Year (and new worlds) that we desire and release what no longer serves.


“Each time a woman stands up for herself without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.”

Maya Angelou

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Your Snapshot Itinerary


Day 1

VIP Cocktail Hour* &
Welcome Dinner Brazilian Style :-)

Day 2

Guided Tour: Discover the Soul of Salvador through sight, sound and taste

Day 3
Soulful Nourishment

Samba Workshop + Live Drumming, Explore and Shop the Rich Open Market of Salvador & Soul food Cooking Class

Day 4

In Her Power Signature Event & Gala:

Boldly Cultivating Resilience: Protecting The Souls of Women of Color Leaders


Day 5
Soulful Conversations

Boldly Cultivating Resilience: Leadership Sessions & Beachside Breakouts

Day 6
Restore & Replenish

Restorative Spa Day: Your mind at peace and your body at rest. Luxuriate and get pampered

Day 7

Free Time for Synthesis & Reflection

Day 8

“Bringing it Home” Session & Departure


 What’s Included

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7 nights/8 days at Fausano Salvador , Bahia, Brazil & Tivoli Ecoresort Praia da Forte, Bahia Brazil


The Retreat Program

Powerful workshops led by amazing speakers and leaders, fireside chats, break-out sessions, tours, fun and innovative activities & classes,  concerts,


Unforgettable Cultural Experiences

Hidden gems + treasures of the city. Experience first hand through music, art, dance, food, celebrations and connections how and why Salvador da Bahia is the soul of Brazil

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Invigorating, Rich Workshops

“They use to say drumming wasn’t for women because the instrument was too heavy, but they forgot we are Warrior Women.” ~Banda Didá

Get ready! From Drumming to Samba to Capoeira It’s an amazing time of learning, laughing and diving deep into the African Gems of Brazil.



All meals related to the retreat are included. (Meals during free time not included.)



Complimentary airport transfers.
All ground transportation between retreat events will be taken care of.

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Extra Nourishment

Daily Yoga and Meditation
Sanctuary Spa Time and Treatments
In Her Power Brazil Curated Gift Bag


Not included

Travel Insurance

(We highly recommend purchasing travel insurance for your international journey )


Please visit the FAQs page.



Meet Your Retreat Leader, Aché Lytle 

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Aché Lytle is the founder of In Her Power, a leadership and wellness initiative for Women of Color Leaders who are disrupting the status quo and creating amazing changes in the global community. This initiative includes an innovative restorative retreat and a highly interactive Mastermind where these bold + brilliant women come to restore and recharge, break bread and break ground…so they can lead the rising tide.

Aché has received numerous awards for her work, including becoming a Fulbright Scholar in 2012 and 2014. A successful multi-lingual businesswoman in both Spanish and Portuguese, she launched her first start up in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Aché has a keen eye for decoding the hidden possibilities in problems. Since 2003 Aché has brought more than 15+ organizations on transformative professional retreats and journeys around the globe—assisting individuals in challenging limiting beliefs while redesigning their lives.


Join us in Brazil

A sacred pause.
Authentic connection.
Co-create a new world.

We are in the process of planning our next retreat. Please sign up for the waitlist to get notified when registration opens!