Unbow Your Head, Sis

“Unbow Your Head, Sis. You have nothing to be ashamed of.  The exact thing you are ashamed or embarrassed about is what has given you your strength, insight, courage and determination.  ”
~ Aché

Today as I was working with a group of women one factor kept poking its head: shame.

Shame is a joy stealer and trauma creator for many of my clients.

These are women who are leaders in their communities, businesses and families who are serving and transforming lives through love, service and sweat.

They are the first to empower others while they quietly wrestle with shame, embarrassment and guilt.

They struggle with freeing themselves from old incidents, worn out narratives, poor decisions, fresh "failures"and often entertain woulda, coulda and shoulda. 

On the outside they emanate strength, grace and confidence (as they should because they are all of that at the very least), however, within them is an image, a story, a feeling that has claimed or diminished their sense of value and worth. 

TODAY is the day we set that free and begin to transmute that feeling.

Let us no longer suffer in silence or isolation.

Please share this with a sistafriend who could use support. 

Aché Lytle