How are you caring for your soul?

Taking care of the soul.png

When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”

~Jean Shinoda Bolen

How are you caring for your soul?

When you look around the world today there is so much devastation, hate and other deplorable actions that it may appear a bit overwhelming. Couple that with your own personal stresses, worries and challenges and it may seem that you are on a treadmill putting forth great sweat and effort but going nowhere.

Today, I want to remind you to hit pause, step off the treadmill of life and really take time out to care for your soul.

Let the world swirl around you in its frenzy and madness while you find a quiet place to listen to the Truth of your soul and spirit.

This quiet place is where your wisdom speaks, where your light magnifies becoming more brilliant, and your strength is restored. This peaceful place is your soulful laboratory, or as my Grandmother would call it the closet where she can be alone with God.

Yes, the world will continue in its way, but when you come out of your quietness you will see differently for your sight has been transformed into powerful insight, you will hear differently because you are able to listen to that which is unspoken, you will move differently for your rhythm is your own and not of anyone else's.

In this quiet place, God winks revealing to you solutions to the insurmountable and answers to unasked questions. Our responsibility is to accept these messages without a doubt and apply them with great faith.

When we do this we understand deeply how we are the healing power that is needed to restore balance and love to this great world.

How are you caring for your soul?
I want to hear your thoughts. Hit reply to this email and share with me the different ways you tender to your mind, body and soul.

In Her Power,


Nicole Bonsol