Spotlight on QUEENSHIP

I often find myself full of gratitude, shouting, “Thank you! Thank you, God!” for the amazing Queens in my life. The power of their unconditional love and support I consistently receive is so deep I find it at times indescribable as it fills me up and overflows, leaving me to shout out my thanksgiving.

This gratitude moved me to ask you to share your gifts, testimonies and stories of Queenship. It is inspirational to see the beauty of Queenship that others experience as well.

This is why I was super excited when Kristie Kennedy, Women's Worth and Wellness Expert emailed me to share the amazing gifts the Queens in her life have bestowed upon her.

Kristie began her email with, “…I pray that you feature the beautiful queens that have held me up through the bitter and the sweet. I have been blessed to know many beautiful women who have the purest intentions, but these are a few of the closest ones I can always count on…”

So today, in solidarity with Kristie, we join her in honoring, applauding and celebrating the Beautiful Queens in her life: Aliya Parker, Lynn Smith, Dr. Asha Brewer, Shanae Wilks, Dawnette Banks, Dr. Renee Hill, Farai Gundan, Zenovdia Love and Katrina Anderson--thank you for the rich unconditional love and support you give to Kristie.

Through the upliftment of one another, we can cultivate new legacies and impact change that transforms and empowers generations that are present and those yet to come.





20 years ago when I walked away from every single toxic friendship I had in college, Aliya Parker was the first woman of integrity who prayed for me and demonstrated loyalty ever since. She is usually the first one I reach out to if my heart is shattered in a million pieces or I am over the moon with a new adventure.



Lynn Smith is my ace boon coon! She believes in my dreams stronger than I do at times. She is a straight shooter! I never have to guess what's on her mind. Lynn knows what makes me happy and what makes me sad. All the inside quirks that only those with front row access are privy to. One of the most generous souls I am blessed to know.



Shanae Wilks and I have been friends for over 15 years I met her at the early stage of my spiritual walk when I was full of wounds. She and I have our famous lunch dates that are full of laughter. We forget the cares of the world and enjoy being carefree girls who choose to set the wonder woman capes to the side for at least an hour or two.



Zenovdia Love is my wild card. If I want to get loose and act all the way up she is my go-to girl. She is a force of inspiration that lifts me up on the days I don't even realize I'm depleted. I appreciate her love for life, God and people. She is a true queen at heart and I am honored to have her in my corner cheering me on.



Dawnette Banks has been a steady rock of love, support, and encouragement for over fifteen years. I know my heart is safe in her hands and I never doubt if she has my back or not. She's been a pillar of faithfulness through every transition I could have experienced from losing my dad, my speaking agent, health challenges, losing a job and one of the sweetest moments marrying the love of my life.



Dr. Renee Hill and I are long-distance friends for over fifteen years. We send each other love tokens inthe mail like childhood pen pals. I love how honest and open she is which allows me to the freedom to be transparent. I am extremely proud of her achievements as an educator, wife, and mother who makes time to show me continual compassion.d of herachievements as an educator, wife, and mother who makes time to show me continual compassion.



Farai Gundan and I met over fifteen years ago when I was working as a secretary our friendship is as cozy as a five-year-old pair of socks with the holes in the top. We both have a heart for the disadvantaged and she inspires me with herenormous faith and relentless tenacity. She travels the globe fearlessly and still manages to walk with a level of humility that is truly a grace from above.



Katrina Anderson and I (K & K) stay hyped when we get together. She is a praying woman and we get excited about things worldly women have no clue about such as our prayer closet, scriptures and being submissive wives. I love how she takes her role as a wife and mother seriously. She irons their clothes for the week every Sunday. It's the little things that a woman does that makes her queen of her throne.



Dr. Asha Brewer came into my life not too long ago but our connection is divine. As wellness practitioners, we understand each other on multiple levels and sharpen each other with frequent words of encouragement. She is a breath of fresh air after I have given my last in the name of service. She is genuinely happy for my achievements. Recently, after I spoke at TEDx Matlock Road a couple of days later I received a surprise inspirational book in the mail with my favorite quote on it,

"She believed she could so she did."

Kristie, thank you so very much for sharing your source of support, love and inspiration.

Who else in our community has a Queen(s) you want to shout out and honor?

Let's Celebrate your Queens!

Simply reply to this email and send your story, testmonies and/or pics of the Queen(s) inyour life. So often the media carelessly shows women tearing one another down, let's reclaim our narrative and remind each other of the gifts we bring and receive from

one another.


If you are currently looking for an authentic down-to-earth Queen that shows up relentlessly, offers unconditional support, honest and loyal to the end, reach out to me.

In Queenship,


Nicole Bonsol