There's a special place in heaven for you

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There is a special place in Heaven for women who support women.

I love the emails I have received of women sharing their inspirational stories and pics of Queenships--Sistahs they honor who have held them down through it all.

There is such power and healing in our unyielding compassion, connection and support of one another.

In Queenship we share moments filled with love and laughter.


But be careful, if you cross one of our Queens, you cross us all. LOL That is Queenship.

Next week, I will begin featuring, in celebration, a group of women who quintessentially reflect Queenship in their Sistahood.

SHARE your story of Sistahood and Queenship. Simply send me an email and share what Queen(s) you are celebrating.

Let’s honor the amazing women in our lives who are our rocks and bridges through all times.

In Celebration of Queenships,

P.S. Many of you are planning on joining me in Brazil and you have some questions on how to make this your BEST NEW YEAR in BRAZIL So, I have Answers to your Questions. Keep your eyes open for my next email where I answer your questions. Remember $500 reserves your spot for an amazing experience in Brazil. Click here to reserve your spot.

Nicole Bonsol