When Bacon 🥓and Eggs 🍳Make You Cry


  • It's okay if you don't feel like doing anything. 

  • It's okay if your aspirational to-do list remains unchecked.

  • It's okay if the brave front you show the world has sorrow and angst behind it. 

  • It's okay if your faith is wavering as you do your best to remain positive and faithful. 

  • It's okay if you burst out crying when making bacon and eggs (or cereal) for your children because it just feels too much at times.

  • It's okay to grieve because the world and life you have known have completely shifted, and you didn't get a head's up or warning, and now you are scrambling to make sense out of something that feels nonsensical. 

It's okay. 

I got you. 

Here are 4 simple things you can do RIGHT NOW to feel better in the midst of it all. 

Let's move through this as one for together we are stronger

In Her Power,


Nicole Bonsol