Yep, I am Sheltered-in-Place from Oakland, CA BUT I still got you ❤️💜

Hi Sistah,

How are you doing? Are you breathing?

I know these are intense, unprecedented times.

I am here in Oakland, CA Sheltered-in-Place, praying for wellness and healing for us all. 

I know with uncertainty and unknown in the air you may be experiencing a multitude of emotions: Anxiety, discouragement, optimism, hope, stress, fear, faithfulness--all the above in a 24-hour period or 5-minute increment.

Don't worry, I got  you and you’re not alone. We are going to move through this and come out on the other side, stronger, healed, and fully reset.

BREATHE. Hang in there, I got some thing for you. 

Click the link, watch the video and let's do this together. 

In Love & Solidarity, 


Nicole Bonsol